My beautiful allotment

My beautiful allotment – a few shots of the place I love so much!

Where does the time go?

I set myself a task to write a blog a week and all of a sudden it has gone from April to July in a nano second – 8 weeks have passed and I am no closer to having achieved my goal! I feel that blogging will be one of those things that will just have to happen in crazy clusters when the mood takes me! Not much good for social media nor SEO planning, but at least it happens… I could always use the excuse of it happening ‘organically’… what a wonderful phrase – totally let’s you off the hook!

So- now that I am here – what to write about… Well – since I have been spending an awful lot of time at the allotment, perhaps that should be my subject! In the last 8 weeks I have seen so much growth and so much improvement – and of course I have taken pictures along the whole way… Want to see?

All of my early allotment images were taken on the iPhone. I love iPhone photography. It is so handy, so easy – I always have my phone with me and although I usually have my camera too, it is just so much easier to use my phone. I love using the various filters on my phone too – playing around with them afterwards is just brilliant fun and just lengthens/enhances the creative process. People often seem surprised when I say I love taking photos on my iPhone, as if I should be a Purist – but I don’t see it that way. If you love taking photos, surely it doesn’t matter what format you use at all. Just do what you love!

Saying that, yesterday I did go and take some pics of it in all its glory with my 50mm. I like to use either my 50 or my 90mm macro lens at the allotment, both of which work beautifully when taking photos of flowers and veg. Yesterday I used mainly my 50 and then used an 18-200mm for the wider shots. I am pretty pleased with the results – not necessarily for their technical prowess as actually they are not all perfect – but for their subject matter; my allotment. Something I love very much!

So – here they are… Firstly – this is what the allotment looked like, back in the beginning of April…






Then – late April… new beds were beginning to be built and lastly pavings slabs being laid on a the wettest April day – EVER – we were covered in mud!







Finally – 2 and a bit months later…

Happy days!!

I hope you have something that you love as much as I love my allotment! Enjoy! As I am writing, the rain is starting to come down, and my plants will be so happy!!
